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Installer User Interface Mode Not Supported Siemens Nx

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by baynbikophom1971 2020. 2. 23. 13:57


While you really need to depend on others since I've been retired from Siemens since January and no longer have access to the software (I never asked for nor was I offered a copy of NX), I will answer this question for you, there is NO way 'to recover classical toolbar layout with NX 11'. This was announced a couple of years ago, that NX 10.0 was going to be the LAST version of NX that would support both the old style (so-called 'classical toolbar') and the new ribbon interface. In other words, there is NO 'classical toolbar' option starting with NX 11.0.John R.

Installer User Interface Mode Not Supported Siemens Nx 7


(ret)EX-Product 'Evangelist'Irvine, CAThe secret of life is not finding someone to live withIt's finding someone you can't live without RE: NX11 - classical toolbar (Mechanical) 22 Aug 16 08:59. While you could probably jerry-rig the software with some know-how to potentially get you somewhere close to the classic interface, it's totally besides the point.NX has changed, and your undermining the systems stability when you mess with it like that. When along comes a new update or something, and it conflicts with your innocent tweaks, there is always the potential for something bad to happen that could theoretically cause you a bunch of headache.I get that it is hard to change, but the ribbon interface is superior in a lot of ways and you should really just accept the fact that things are different now.

It won't be that bad of a transition, heck you may even like it MORE than classic thumbsup2.Felix K. HollowayRE: NX11 - classical toolbar (Automotive) 25 Aug 16 23:18. 'but the ribbon interface is superior in a lot of ways 'Do you have any evidence of such an assertion? I have yet to see any that presented. In fact, the only reason it was chosen was for marketing purposes and because 'the others are doing it and we need to sell copies'.Other then that, its neither here nor there. And frankly, considering it requires more clicks to achieve the same thing (a command activation), then it is, by design, less 'superior' as far as i can see.Unless of course your criteria is aesthetics. It subjectively COULD be more 'pretty' then toolbars.

But that's still a long bow to draw. RE: NX11 - classical toolbar. 'the others are doing it and we need to sell copies'Well, selling copies of NX is good for everyone, isn't it? If sales decline, then there's less cash to support maintenance and development, fewer companies that can deliver NX data, a smaller community, and, eventually, starvation and death.Does your company design and produce things? If so, I would guess that you try make your products attractive to potential buyers. If that's not one of your goals, I don't think your company will last very long.

RE: NX11 - classical toolbar (Computer) 29 Aug 16 08:40. '1 click per icon compared to 1 click per icon'You forgot the inherent extra click to activate a different TAB. So it’s not one click for one click (i wish).

Installer user interface mode not supported siemens nxUser

Its 2 for ribbon and only 1 for 'The Old Bad inefficient way'.;)'Well, selling copies of NX is good for everyone, isn't it?' Nice logical fallacy. But if i was to respond while being in your fantasy land. No, not if you're an existing customer.Everyone likes to focus on irrelevant hair splitting like as if it justifies the move instead of just admitting why it was really done and that once you get used to it, although it’s not quite as user friendly in some ways, you'll be just as efficient - but with a bit more user frustration due to it being a Ribbon UI – which you’ll soon get used to and forget about. All while these same people never actually showing any evidence of these big efficiencies and benefits.The facts are it was changed not because its more efficient, it was simply a marketing move.

And the last time i checked. Marketing moves rarely have anything to do with End user efficiency or satisfaction and everything to do with the company's own self interests. Which is fine if you want to bring out the old 'it’s all about the bottom line' rubbish. Just save us all of the 'but google are doing it' & “I’ve got nothing to hide” UN-justifications.Now anyone can get used to a new UI. But it still doesn’t make it 'better' just because its new and most definitely not just because now you've 'got used to it'. So again, calling someone “not into change” is just another distraction from the fact you have no genuine counter points to share or show.There is no way its more efficient and i will challenge anyone to show otherwise with any kind of actual fact based points.

Because you simply can NOT be more efficient when you have to click twice for the new compared to once for the old.Now of course having said that, it’s not that inefficient that it’s a massive step backwards to use and SIEMENS has the best Ribbon UI implementation I’ve ever seen because of its extensive customisations that many Ribbon UI’s lack. But it is still a Ribbon UI and it still has the inherent fundamental flaws that this UI type has. And these i freaking hate.that forced extra click/action to change TABs that i never needed to do before.The unusable/wasted UI space on the right side of a TAB that has not many buttons on it. This is especially annoying now with wide screen monitors as it gets exaggerated even more.the limited discover-ability of commands forced on me due to the above points with its limited useable space that limits my ability to put as many commands in a visible area and still not take up much screen real-estate.RE: NX11 - classical toolbar (Marine/Ocean) 31 Aug 16 15:01.

'Want to eliminate any need to even switch toolbars.Just turn on EVERY SINGLE ICON, that should do it, eh?' Good one, John! Love it!Like capnhook, I deplore excessive clicks but unfortunately classic toolbar configuration and management became a total nightmare for me. I was spending waaaay too much time configuring it like that and if using import it will not account for new menu picks so that's out of the question too.

Also I seem to recall a special menu in manufacturing which would not even display in classic! As for the same thing happening in design i cannot be sure. I bailed on classic tool bars as soon as I heard they were obsoleted but I soon found out that heavily customization of the ribbon posed similar problems as the classic toolbar; namely, migration issues. Many moons from now when I was young and still had hair, I used to spend time with Inventor. It moved to the ribbon long ago, I and immediately embraced the change and had no problem whatsoever with it.

Now that NX did the same I again have no problem with it. Supporting different customers I often have to move from NX10 to NX8.5 and I actually feel mildly annoyed with the classic interface. I think ribbon is better on the whole. Not ideal, of course, but what it? Definitely not the classic interface!